What is ikin ifa?
Ikin are seeds that come from the fruit of African palm trees. These sacred palm nuts have distinct features known as eyes or eyelets found at the base of the seed. They come in 3, 4, 5 or 6 eyes. The rarest of them all is the ikin with 6 eyes.
Ikin Ifa are used in various Ifa Yoruba religion rituals typically involved with Ifa initiation such as Itefa. This is a long ceremony that welcomes the initiate into the world of Ifa. There are many positive benefits of Ifa initiation. At a high level it provides answers and guidance into what the person (initiate) is destined for on Earth. Isefa or hand of Ifa is another ceremony that provides guidance for the person receiving it. This is a ceremony that is done before being fully initiated into Ifa.
Both of these types of ceremonies involve receiving the Ase (power) contained within the ikin ifa for spiritual protection and guidance. Ikin Ifa are also used during Ifa divination by a Babalawo also known as an Ifa priest and Iyanifa also known as an Ifa priestess. The Ifa divination system is the process that allows the retrieval of the sacred odu Ifa that contains the timeless wisdom and knowledge to help guide humanity throughout life.

Ikin Ifa Features
- These are traditional African Nigerian ikin Ifa with 6 eyes
- This type of 6 eye ikin Ifa are rare and hard to find
- We have small or large 6 eye ikin to accommodate for the size of your hand. Please contact us through the eBay or Etsy listings below to specify size preference
- Ikin Ifa can be used for
- Isefa ceremonies, this is for hand of Ifa
- Itefa ceremonies, this is for Ifa initiation
- Ifa divination
- Protection for your other 3, 4, or 5 eye ikin
- These ikin have been cleaned, they are not consecrated