Otura Ogunda Odu Ifa speaks about the importance of being honest and loyal with all people. Specially with the people that you are close with. The same should be reciprocated from those you are most close with.
Being honest and loyal creates solid foundations in relationships. Solid foundations are built on trust. It is important to recognize this as part of your journey.
Honesty liberates the mind from lies and the web that they weave
There are many benefits of having a positive solid foundation between you and the group of people you are most close with. Efforts from all people in your group or team that are put towards goals are that much more effective when there is a solid foundation of trust.
Otura Ogunda mentions there are blessings of success in your destiny. Make sure to appease Ifa and stay close to Ifa in order to ensure the arrival of those blessings. Listen to the advice provided by Ifa consultations.
The opportunity to work with other people or other groups of people with similar goals will come knocking soon. Keep the same principles in mind about honesty and the importance of it to build strong working relationships.
Otura Ogunda Odu Ifa speaks about moments in life where you may feel that you have no one to speak to about challenges you may be experiencing, or feel that no one is supporting you.
Ifa promises to always be there to help guide you through trials and tribulations; lean on Ifa for support in any situation you may be living through at the moment.
Otura Ogunda talks about Ifa defending against enemies and their potential to create problems for you. Listen to advice provided by Ifa during divination. Determine if sacrifice will need to be offered to stop your enemies from accomplishing any negative efforts towards you.
Ogun defends against challenges presented in your path. Ogun is a warrior Orisha that used to be a blacksmith during his time on Earth. He represents iron works and war. Ogun helps clear the path of obstacles and challenges presented to us.
Ifa advices you to offer ebo and feed Ogun regularly so he can keep helping to clear the path from obstacles and challenges.
Otura Ogunda Odu Ifa talks about maintaining good character for your self and for those you may represented. Demonstrate good behavior, integrity and show your leadership abilities.

Treat everyone equally and with respect. Do not look down on other people or act discriminatorily towards anyone. This will not bring anything good for anyone.
Ifa warns against engaging in adultery of any kind, especially any intimate involvement with the woman or man of someone close to you.
Do not plan any evil against anyone or expose other people’s secrets
Otura Ogunda speaks about enemies that will try to plan malicious things against you. They might try to setup traps in your path so that you’ll fail. Ifa will defend against these types of obstacles presented in your path.
Malicious actions performed by others may lead to positive outcomes for you
Ifa advices to offer ebo to your Ori to help make the right decisions at all time. This applies to people close to you.
Ifa also advices to consult Ifa regularly, this goes for you and people closest to you. Ifa divination will help to stay on track towards marked destiny.
Ifa advises the person and or members of a group to which Otura Ogunda was revealed during Ifa divination to be initiated into Ifa. Stay close to Ifa for guidance and support.
Being initiated into Ifa will expose the initiate to the secrets and wisdom of Ifa.
Ifa is the main pillar of protection and support
Otura Ogunda Odu Ifa brings blessings of children. Ifa advises the women that are wanting to bear children to offer ebo and feed Oya.
Raise children with love and take good care of them. They will be the ones that keep your legacy going. Offer ebo to Esu to ensure the lives of the children are well protected.
Offer ebo to Ogun when you can to ensure peace of mind and to help bring success with the things you put effort into. Success can be defined in many different ways. Success does not always mean materialistic things.
People tend to look in other places for happiness but the grass in not always greener on the other side when they get there.
Think about what makes you happy and what makes you feel complete in your life. Understand what those things are in your life and take good care of them. As they most likely will take care of you.
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