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This article is about one of the 240 minor odu ifa known as Osa Otura, also referred to as Osa Eure, Osa Ure, Osa Tua and Osa Tura
This odu talks about blessings of good fortune since birth and the importance of always telling the truth.
Osa Eure also talks about working closely with people that can help you to succeed in different aspects of life, refers to public relations and networking.
Ifa advices to those that have received the hand of Ifa or have been initiated into Ifa, to store your ikin in porcelain containers instead of wood.
We have provided high level interpretations of the odu in an effort to convey its message more efficiently.
Each of the 256 odu Ifa contain many ese ifa (verses). We plan to keep adding ese ifa interpretations continuously to help others understand the teachings of Ifa.
Osa Otura brings blessings since birth
This odu talks about being born with ire, blessings from the sky. Osa Eure brings blessings since the time of birth to the person to which this odu was revealed.
There will always be negative things that has the potential to affect or influence life. It is your responsibility to make the right decisions.
Positive decisions that lead to positive outcomes
Ifa does promise to defend against those negative influences as long as you always put forth effort into moving towards a positive direction.
You will experience positive longevity
Osa Eure teaches the truth will always prevail
Telling the truth and being honest can be a challenge to people that continuously lie and cheat throughout their life time.
Unfortunately, due that slippery slope lying has become a normal part of human nature to some people.
Some may try to justify lies by calling them white lies, consequently judging the impact the lie may have on others.
While others may try measuring the severity of their lie against a fictional scale. Attempting to weigh the lie somewhere between one end of the spectrum being truth and the other end being a lie.
What people fail to see when they lie is ultimately the impact the deceiving action has on themselves as a person and those around them.
A lie can and does most of the time lead to another lie and then another lie. Eventually becoming a web of lies that consumes the person. At some point loosing track of when and where they started lying about the simplest things.
This behavior may have the tendency of molding the persons character. Creating a false sense of themselves.
The conundrum also exists about the moral argument of telling a lie that can be justified because it serves a greater moral good. This may very well be true; you will need to understand what that means before leveraging this reason to tell a lie.
An example of such a case is telling someone a lie if it means it will save them from harm.
There is also the very obvious comparison between “white lies” and the serious deceptive and malicious actions taken by those that cheat, lie, steal, and kill. This statement is not meant to judge those that do not know any better.
There are many that have been born into environments such as these. Environments where it has been led to believe through one way or another that cheating, lying, stealing and in extreme cases killing, is not wrong.
To those that are reading this, believe there is a positive way to live life. Everyone has the moral right to learn a better way to live. A more positive way to live. There is always someone willing to show the way towards a positive and fulfilling life.
Telling the truth will relieve you from a stressful way of living.
Osa Ure talks about the benefits of public relations and networking
Osa Ure odu advises the person to which this odu was revealed to put effort into networking with people.
This can be people from your work industry, family friends, or people you meet through other friends. There is always opportunity to meet new people.
The key thing to remember is to start a conversation with the other person in a positive manner. Don’t make assumptions about the other person. This can create a false image about the person in your mind. This is like sabotaging yourself.

Give other people and yourself a chance to know each other. You’ll never know the things you may have in common if you don’t give yourselves a chance to know each other.
Establishing a network of peers with good solid reciprocal relationships will be key to advancing yourself in various aspects of life. Like any good relationship, a reciprocal one will ensure that both parties are providing help to each other.
In your journey of meeting new people, you will come across people that can be helped by you. Helping your peers now means that your peers can help you later when you need it.
Some of those new people you meet can also become long lasting relationships.
There are many benefits that can come from establishing a network of peers with reciprocal relationships.
Gaining new perspective and different points of view about anything related to work or life in general is important. We don’t all know everything there is to know about everything.
Helping each other in a positive way is good for everyone.
Networking with people can bring many opportunities into your life.
Ifa advices to store ikin in porcelain
Osa Otura odu talks about storing your ikin in porcelain instead of containers made from wood. In this Odu Ida also advises when possible use opon ifa made from porcelain as well.
This advice applies to those who have received hand of Ifa also known as Isefa. It also applies to those that have been fully initiated into the secrets of Ifa also known as itefa.
Initiates of these ceremonies will possess a set of ikin also known as sacred palm nuts.
Ikin ifa sacred palm nuts are typically stored in wooden containers. But for those that have been marked with Osa Otura odu, Ifa advices you to store your ikin in a porcelain container.
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