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This article is about one of the 240 minor odu ifa known as Ojuani Otura, also referred to as Owonrin Otura and Ojuani Alakentu.
This odu talks about the blessings of good fortune, financial wealth and fame by way of place of employment or business ownership.
It also talks about blessings of long life, matrimonial partnership and children.
Ifa advices always to maintain good behavior and character. Help those you can, when you can and with caution. Ifa also advises to become familiar with your destiny.
We have provided high level interpretations of the odu in an effort to convey its message more efficiently.
Each of the 256 odu Ifa contain many ese ifa (verses). We plan to keep adding ese ifa interpretations continuously to help others understand the teachings of Ifa.
Ojuani Otura brings blessings of good fortune through the place of employment
This odu ifa talks about blessings of good fortune coming through the place of employment. Ifa advises the recipient of this odu to offer sacrifice to ensure these blessings are fully received. This will also ensure that this person does not get lost in the midst of all their intentions of accomplishing their goals.
Blessings can present themselves in many different ways. It can be in the form of an opportunity for a title change. It can also be knowledge and information you learn and gain that prepare you for your next steps.
Keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Opportunity can be starring you in the face and speaking to you. If you are not paying attention then opportunity might pass you by.
This odu mentions not to doubt your place of employment or your business. If you like what you do and you feel comfortable doing it, then be confident in what you do for work. It is or will be what brings you the most financial blessings.
Lean on Ifa during any times of uncertainty for belief and faith
The person to which this odu was revealed is son or daughter of Oya. The powerful Orisha that influences wind and violent storms. This Orisha is also known as the guardian of the cemetery and associated with death and rebirth.
Ifa advises to propitiate and offer sacrifice to Oya to help with the realization of this ese Ifa. It will also help to ensure the blessings in route to you are properly received.
Owinrin Otura brings blessings of financial wealth and fame
Owonrin otura odu talks about an abundance of financial blessings and wealth. This again is through the line of work or business that the person is involved in.
For some individuals to which this odu applies and also depending on their line of work, fame is an attribute that can be associated with this odu.
Ifa advises to always maintain good behavior in everything you do; seek and learn the privilege of Iwa Pele. This trait is very important to have, especially if you are an individual that has a large number of people following you.
Maintain a good positive behavior if you have a large following of people. Show the world you are a positive role model. Someone that can make a positive impact in this world. Help and show others how they can also do good in their lives and for the lived of others.
Maintain good behavior; show others how they can make a
positive impact in this world
Ojuani otura warns against forcing others
This odu talks about debt owed by others to the person to which this odu was revealed.
Ifa warns not to demand from others by force what is owed to you.
There could be bigger consequences than reward for you for obtaining what is owed by force.
Ojuani Alakentu brings blessings of long life
This odu brings blessings of long life. Ifa advices to take care of your health and be careful with contagious diseases.
Ifa warns the recipient of this odu to be careful with raising poultry and the associated contagious diseases that come along with the poultry business. Running a poultry business may not be beneficial for the person to which this odu was revealed.

If this person has a poultry (chicken, pigeon, or bird) enclosure, the person must be careful with the potential contagious diseases that are associated with it. Ifa advises the raising of birds be utilized in the name of Ifa.
Must also be careful with others that carry contagious diseases. Ifa advises to offer ebo to ensure the blessings of long life are well received and that other people’s ailments do not affect you.
Owinrin Otura brings blessings of matrimonial partnership and children
This odu brings matrimonial blessings, a husband or wife will soon come if they haven’t already.
Remain positive and open minded when meeting new people. Your significant other (future wife or husband) might be closer than you think.
Ifa advices not to make the marriage ceremony too long or elaborate.
Get to know the person you’ll be spending your life with. Establish a good line of communication between each other.
Make sure to create a good solid foundation so that the rest of your lives can be built on that solid foundation.
Ifa brings blessings of raising children. This is part of building on top of a good solid foundation. Love and teach your children to become better versions of yourselves.
Offer sacrifice to ensure these blessings of matrimony and children are well received and everything associated with these big changes go smooth.
Ifa advises to be cautious about who you help
This odu talks about being cautious when extending a helping hand to someone that may cause you trouble in return.
Its always good to be helpful to each other, it’s what will make this world a better place to live in.
While on this journey to making a positive difference in this world we may run into individuals that are troublesome.
Helping troublesome people can sometimes cause issues to the person that is trying to help.
Keep helping where you can to make this world a better place, just be wise how you go about doing it.
Ifa advices to know your destiny and stay intune with your purpose. Offer sacrifice / ebo when needed to ensure things go well.
Ojuani Otura odu brings happiness to those with restless minds
Through this odu Ifa brings tranquility to the mind of those that find it hard to rest the mind.
Individuals that think about things frequently or think nonstop might find it hard to relax both physically and mentally.
Ifa brings peace to the mind when needed most. Try to set aside time for yourself to disconnect from the daily routine. It is important to have a cutoff point in the day for which you can spend time with your family or just yourself in a peaceful setting.
This allows for a time of appreciation and self-healing. Mediation is good tool to use to accomplish a peaceful and disconnected setting.
Ifa also reminds those that are aware of any taboos assigned to them either through itefa or other means; to continue to refrain from them at all times.
Ojuani Alakentu defends against hidden enemies
Ifa brings blessings of victory over enemies that are hidden. Those enemies for which you are not aware of yet.
Ifa advises to keep offering sacrifice to ensure victory over these types of enemies. Ifa promises to de-mask these types of enemies in a public setting.
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