Ogunda Ojuani odu ifa speaks about blessings of happiness, longevity, children and success. Stay close to Ifa as a guide in your life to help you ensure you receive those blessings.
Ogunda Ojuani speaks about always making the effort to do the right thing for the common good.
Most often than not you will have options from which to choose from. This will require you to make decisions. Be aware that making decisions may sometime have the potential of impacting others.
Stay honest with yourself and those around you. Remaining transparent and maintaining integrity will be a gratifying experience in your life.
Ogunda Ojuani talks about Ogun defending against enemies. Ogun is one of the orisha warriors which is usually found along side Elegua, Ochosi and Osun.
Consult with Ifa to determine what type of offering is needed to receive or continue receiving protection from Ogun.

Ogunda Ojuani states the person to which this odu is revealed, will be a prominent figure in their community. Make good positive choices and lead by example.
There may be others in your community that look up to you. Setting a good example for the rest will create a positive community.
Offer Ogun palm wine and pray for strength during time of pressure when making tougher decisions.
Be conscious about always being honest and transparent with all people. It will provide you with a sense of gratification and fulfillment in your life.
Ifa advises those that are married to be patient with each other. Stay well communicated and be empathetic with each other in order to help each other out.
Make every effort to remain calm with each other when there is disagreement. If emotions are running wild, then take a walk to cool them down. Engage in positive conversation when ready to find a win / win resolution for both.
In this odu Ogunda Owonrin, Ifa advices the recipient of this odu to not get involved in matters that do not concern you. Doing so may have consequences you do not need.
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