In this article we talk about what is Odu in the Ifa religion and the meaning of the information contained within each Odu. We explain the structure of the Odu and the names and symbols used to describe the Odu. We also go into what is ese Ifa, the verses contained within the Odu as well as provide an example of an ese (verse) from one of the Odu.
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What is Odu Ifá?
Ifá is an ancient religion and a complex system of divination conceptualized many centuries ago by the Yoruba people of West Africa. Ifá Yoruba religion is based on oral literature scriptures known as Odu Ifá or the Ifa corpus.
Ifa is not only a religion, but also a collection of Ifá spiritual traditions, timeless wisdom, cultural and historical information. This information has been gathered by Ifa priests for centuries through divination, real life situations and experiences.
It is this well of infinite and timeless wisdom from which a Babalawo and Iyanifa continue to learn from in their life long journey of Ifa practice.

256 odu contain the secrets of Ifa
Odu Ifá is the blueprint of life used to guide humanity towards the manifestation of their destiny in a positive way. It provides guidance on how to make good decisions and how to proceed through uncertain times. Through proper interpretation of Odu Ifá, questions with unknown outcomes can be answered.
The Yoruba people have preserved the oral scriptures of Odu Ifá throughout time. This information has been passed down orally from generation to generation. Although, you can find literary works and websites like this one containing an abundance of information about Ifá.
You can learn more about other topics related to Ifá here
The literary corpus or oral scriptures of Odu Ifá and the Ifá divination system were made part of the Masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity in 2005. This collection of timeless wisdom was classified as such in an effort to preserve and protect it.
16 Odu Ifá and Their Meaning
There are various stories about the origin of the 16 major odu. According to Ifa stories, the 16 principle odu were 16 heavenly prophets that came down to Earth and revealed themselves to Orunmila, the prophet of Ifa religion to help provide guidance to humanity.
Orunmila is also known as the deity of wisdom that was present during the creation and allocation of destiny for each human being.
Other oral traditions may suggest the 16 major odu were left behind by Orunmila to continue helping guide humanity in a positive direction.
In any case, the 16 principle odu represent the first 16 major odu signs that create the foundational structure of the literary corpus for the Ifa religion.
16 Principle Odu Ifa – The pillars of Ifa Corpus
They can be figuratively compared to as the pillars of Ifa from which the remaining 240 minor odu signs derive from resulting in a total of 256 odu that make up the sacred corpus of Ifá.
Each odu represents centuries of philosophy, wisdom, and knowledge gathered by Ifa priests throughout time. They include information related to moral teachings, spiritual guidance, life experiences, ethics, rituals, sacrifices, and much more. This information is provided and integrated within in each odu in the form of ese or verses.
We will talk more about ese or verses within the odu later in this article.
Each odu contains information associated with the good and the bad. It provides guidance on how to manifest the good and how to keep negative disruptive forces known as Ajogun away.
It is through the Ifa divination processes that the odu currently shaping our lives is revealed to us.
This sacred act of divination (performed by an experienced Babalawo or Iyanifa) is what provides the opportunity that allows us to know ourselves better and see our path more clear.
Furthermore, it allows us the opportunity to know how we can live and maintain a positive life for all.
Learn more details about the process of Ifá divination here
256 Odu Ifá and Their Meaning
256 odu Ifa refers to the complete collection of the Ifa corpus. There are a total of 256 odu that make up the foundation of the Ifa religion. The previously mentioned 16 principle or major odu ifa are considered the pillars of the Ifa corpus. The remaining 240 minor odu ifa are derived from these 16 major odu.
In the following sections of this article we go into more details of how the 256 odu ifa are structured along with an explanation of what is contained within the odu.
Ese Ifa
Each of the 256 odus of ifa contain ese or verses of information, similar to the Bible in the Christian religion. There are many verses or ese within each Odu. Some may have hundreds of ese or versus. This is not counting the ones that may have been lost in time due to the lack of documentation.
The number of verses per Odu may increase throughout time. Adding knowledge and wisdom to the ever-expanding foundation of the ifa Yoruba religion. In recent history, Ifa priests have taken on the responsibility of documenting the sacred ese in an effort to conserve the information for future generations.
The ese or Ifá prayers are recited by a Babalawo or Iyanifa for many reasons. This is done during Ifá divination and other Yoruba religion rituals.
These ese ifa or verses contain the advice and messages that is to be interpreted by the Babalawo or Iyanifa during the divinatory process. They are what holds the solutions and answers to issues and questions being asked by the person seeking advice and guidance from Ifa.
Example of an Odu ese Ifa
Here is one example of an ese out of many verses within the Odu Ejiogbe-Odi or Ogbe Odi in Yoruba language; interpretation will follow:
Ogbe di kaka
Ogbe di kunkun
Ogbe di ganmun ganmun
Ki irun imun re o mon ba yo sile
A d’ifa’ fu’n Esu Odara
Igba ti nlo re de igbere lodo
A d’ifa fun gbogbo okanle irunmole
Nijo ti won n lo ree ji eja
Esu Odara ko
Ebo ni won ni ko se
O gbebeo nibe o rubo
Nke mo moyin o
Eyin aseni
Emi moyin
Eyin odale
Interpretation of ese Ifa:
At a high level, this ese is about advising the person or community for which this Odu was marked, to be careful with individuals surrounding them. Individuals they may have trust in might have the intentions of betrayal. They may act like friends but in actuality are traitors.
On the other hand, this Odu also advises not to jump to conclusions in situations as it may have ramifications in their life. This person is advised to take the time to understand any situations and or scenarios they may currently be in. There may be more than meets the eye.
Other verses in this odu talk about the importance of making sacrifice to maintain a positive position. There are references to Esu in this Odu, the orisha considered to be the messenger between Ifa and Olodumare. Properly appeasing Esu and having trust in his ability to defend the person this Odu was marked for is advised.
As previously mentioned there are many verses for each of the 256 odu. In this site we attempt to provide this information along with appropriate interpretations for each odu. We will continue to share the information we learn about as time goes on, Ase!
Learn more about Odu Ifa Interpretations here
How Odu is revealed to us
An integral part of the Odu Ifá interpretation is the process of consulting with Ifá and the oral scriptures using the Ifá divination system. It is the most complex and accurate divination system known by many for its reliability. This system is the channel that communicates with the universe to obtain information and answers that help us to make better informed decisions in our lives.
A Babalawo or Iyanifa will have the proper training and ability to perform this process correctly. The process of Ifá divination allows the information of Odu Ifá to be revealed during the divination sessions to the person or community seeking advice and guidance.
Read more about Babalawo powers here and Iyanifa Ifa priestess here
Ifa divination is a system that aids in better understanding of oneself and purpose. Through years of study and practice of Ifá, a Babalawo or Iyanifa will obtain deeper understanding of the mysteries, the evolution, and the secrets held by the natural forces of the universe and of this world.
There are multiple methods used to communicate with Ifá. The process of using the Ifá divination system also involves the use of various tools. The Babalawo or Iyanifa will choose the tools necessary based on the method of communication to be used.
A description of Ifá divination tools and how they are used during Ifá divination can be found here.
Odu Ifá is the map that allows humans to navigate life itself. A way for all humans to live in harmony with each other and the Earth. The common message delivered across each Odu is that of making life for yourself and those around you a more positive experience.
Structure of the oral scriptures Odu Ifá
The sacred oral scriptures of Odu Ifá corpus are structured into a total of 256 signs. These 256 signs are derived from the 16 major Odu Ifá or 16 principle signs of Ifá. In other words, a combination of the 16 principle odu (16×16) or 16 squared will result in the 256 Odus of Ifa.
To elaborate further, the seventeenth minor odu ifa sign is a combination of the first major odu Ejiogbe and the second major odu Oyekun which results in the minor odu Ejiogbe – Oyekun. The eighteenth minor odu ifa sign is a combination of the first major odu Ejiogbe and third major odu Iwori which results in the minor odu Ejiogbe – Iwori.
This occurs up through ifa odu sign #31. Then ifa odu #32 starts with the second major odu Oyekun combined with the first major odu Ejiogbe which results in the minor odu Oyekun – Ejiogbe. This continues throughout the rest of the 16 major odu Ifa.
These combinations of odu ifa signs created at #17 through #256 are known as the 240 minor odu Ifa or omo odu.
The following sections will demonstrate a few of the actual symbols and names of the odu ifa signs which may provide more clarity to how the signs are derived from the 16 major odu.
Odu ifa – Names & Symbols
Each odu has a name and a symbol associated with it. There are two sets of symbols used to denote each odu.
One set involves the use of single and double vertical lines and the other set of symbols involves the use of 0’s and 1’s. The single lines represent the light, or an open position and the double lines represent the dark or a closed position.
Here is an example of the first 4 of the 16 major odu signs expressed in vertical lines. From right to left: Ejiogbe, Oyekun, Iwori, Odi

Odu Ifa signs expressed in single and double vertical lines
The second set of symbols involves the use of 0’s and 1’s. Similar to the vertical lines, each 0 represents the dark or a closed or off position and the 1 represents the light or an open or on position. These symbols are grouped together into two sets of 4 symbols side by side. This structure symbolizes one Odu.

Ofun Meji Odu Ifa sign expressed in 0’s and 1’s
The reason for the two types of symbols used to identify an odu maybe be associated with the method of divination used by the diviner.
For example, if the Babalawo or Iyanifa chooses to divine using the Opele chain or ifa divination chain, the odu revealed during this method of divination is presented in the form of 0’s and 1’s.
The opele chain is made from eight half nuts from the opele fruit tree. The opele nuts when cut in half create a concave and convex side. The convex side (outer part) of the opele nut represents the 0 of an odu sign and the concave side (inner part) of the opele nut represents the 1 of the odu sign.
You can read more about how to use the Opele Ifa here
If the Babalawo chooses to divine with ikin ifa (sacred palm nuts),the way the odu is typically revealed in the iyerosun powder during divination is presented in the form of the vertical line symbols as seen in the previous image with the first 4 major odu expressed in vertical lines above.
You can read more about ikin ifa divination here
How Odu Ifa is read
Traditionally the odu ifa signs are read from right to left. Every odu has 4 sets of 2 markings or digits side by side. When an odu ifa is marked in iyerosun powder, the Awo will engrave the sign starting from the top set of digits.
For example, first digit marked is in the right column and first row then continues to the left column first row. The second set of digits in second row go next. Right column second row then left column second row. This continues until the fourth set of digits.
An Odu that has identical symbols on the right and left side signifies it is one of the 16 major odu. When the odu has one set of symbols on the right side and a different set of symbols on the left side, this signifies the odu is one of the 240 minor odu.

Ejiogbe (right side) Ejiogbe (left side) – Eji Ogbe Meji – One of the 16 principle odu

(right side) Oyekun (left side) or Ogbe Oyeku – One of the 240 minor odu
Take note of the 16 major odu ifa or 16 meyi in the following table. Starting with the 1st odu top right Baba Ejiogbe, 2nd Oyekun, 3rd Iwori, 4th Odi, 5th Iroso and so on through the table below. Vertical lines are used to express the Ifa signs here:

All 16 major odu ifa signs
As mentioned earlier, the 17th minor odu ifa is a combination of the 1st principle odu and the 2nd principle odu expressed as follows in vertical lines and in 0’s and 1’s below:

Ejiogbe – Oyekun or Ogeb Oyeku – 17th odu ifa sign; one of the 240 minor odu
The 18th minor odu ifa sign is a combination of the first major odu sign and third major odu sign expressed in vertical lines and in 0’s and 1’s below:

Ejiogbe – Iwori – 18th odu ifa sign; one of the 240 minor odu
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