What is Iyerosun or Iyeri Osun?
Iyerosun or iyeri osun is a fine yellow dust or powder used in the Yoruba Ifa religion by diviners known as Babalwawo and Iyanifa.
It is a natural organic substance made from the natural breakdown process of the African Irosun tree by termites. Also known as termite dust.

The irosun tree is said to have been blessed by god and has a strong energy connection to the spiritual world.
Iyeri Osun powder is primarily used for Ifa divination, specifically ikin ifa divination. The powder is spread across the opon ifa divination tray before a divination session starts. The Babalawo Ifa priest or Iyanifa Ifa priestess mark the odu ifa in the powder as they are revealed by Ifa during the divination process.
Ikin Ifa divination is dependent on Iyerosun.