Irete meji odu mentions the following to the recipient of this odu:
Keep in mind not all ese ifa (verses) in this odu may apply to you. Consult an experienced and honest Babalawo to help you understand what applies and if any prescriptions are necessary to address any potential issues.
Ifa reassures blessings of long life. A life filled with happiness and comfort. Life will be blessed by mother earth.
Ifa reassures that life will be without chaos. Ifa reassures those that devote their lives to Ifa will have the opportunity to become ambassadors of Ifa. They will be blessed with all ire of life.
Ifa recommends to always carry the sign of Ifa on your person. This could be Ifa beads around your neck, your wrist or your waist. Beads that have been blessed by a Babalawo carry good energy and are highly recommended. This will help keep negative energy away from you wherever you go.
Ifa says all blessings in your family will be or have been split into two parts. One for you and the rest for the other members of your family. This is due to all the prayers and sacrifices your mother made for you before and after your birth. All the prayers and sacrifices she performed were recognized and acknowledged by Olodumare. These prayers and sacrifices done for you by your mother has brought you all the ire you experience in life. Make sure to look after your mother, take care of her as much as possible. Provide any help she needs throughout her life as she did for you.
Irete meji odu ifa talks about traveling and visiting other places. It talks about the privilege of going through good experiences in these other places you visit. This could be related to blessings that come across your path on your different journeys. Learn from these experiences as much as you can. You’ll have gained much from them. Ifa also mentions other individuals that you may become close with while on these journeys of travel.
Ifa mentions in this odu that you will be blessed with honor and respect. You may have followers in your life. If others look up to you as a role model, make sure you lead a positive life. Lead by example, show others the good you can do in life and help others as you can. This will show others to do well in their life and help others as they can.
Ifa mentions that you are currently in pursuit of riches at the expense of your spiritual elevation. Ifa says whether you are in pursuit of riches or not, Ifa will bring you the blessings of riches either way. But if you lose your spiritual essence then you will have lost it all.
Ifa says you have all the tools you need to be successful in life. If you pursue opportunities away from home, you might run into obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. You may experience this initially and may feel it is difficult to push forward. It is at this point where you need to use your wisdom, your understanding and your experiences to help rationalize what is going on around you. Do not be impulsive or jump to conclusions. Take the time to analyze the situation thoroughly. Being patient and leveraging the ability to understand is where others have failed and where you will succeed.
Irete meji odu ifa speaks about sensations of pain to the head and chest. This does not apply to everyone for which this odu was revealed. Please consult a reputable Babalawo to determine if this specific ese ifa or any ese ifa (ifa verse) in this odu applies to you.
Ifa mentions Orunmila and Sango are defending against iku. Offer sacrifice to Orunmila and Sango so they can continue defending against iku (death) on your behalf.
Ifa mentions you will be surrounded by others with power and the ability to influence their surroundings. This can refer to Influential people within your community, city, state or country that have corporate or political power.
Ifa says that you have the ability to adapt to any condition or situation that is presented to you. There isn’t a situation that you will not be able to adapt to. This is a good trait to have and a gift given to you by Olodumare.
Irete meji odu ifa advises to offer ebo (sacrifice) whenever you are faced with problems for which you have no control over. Sometimes genuinely praying to an Orisa can help the situation. An offering such as aldimu (food offering) will show your willingness to sacrifice your time and money to obtain something for an Orisa. Sometimes the offering is more involved. An ifa divination consultation can reveal exactly if and what type offering is needed for a given situation.
Ifa mentions in this odu that you have been blessed with good Ori. You have chosen a good destiny at the time of your birth. There may be times in your life that you inadvertently go against what you are destined to do. This is common if you don’t stay focused on your goals and the things you are supposed to accomplish. Listen to the signs that present themselves to you. Keep your mind healthy. Eliminate distractions from your life such as negative things that affect you and negative people that bring you down. Listen to your Ori and your intuition so you can remain focused.

There are other spiritual options this odu talks about. A ceremony in particular that can be performed in more difficult scenarios that help you keep walking towards your destiny. An experienced Babalawo will be able to explain the process that is typically followed to address the resistance that is sometimes experienced while on your journey towards your destiny.
Irete meji talks about a group of people trying to work together towards a common goal. This can be related to a project in which multiple hands are involved. Everyone involved will need to be clear on what their responsibility is to accomplish the goal of the project. If there isn’t a clear understanding and active participation from all hands, then the project will fail. Offerings to Ifa and Esu will help to keep things moving forward.
Irete meji mentions outside influences (iya misaronga) causing unnecessary problems in the environment for you and those close to you. The possibility of wrongful accusations could be taking place by and between you and those close to you.
Be careful not to accuse others of things you are not absolutely certain about. Apologize and ask for forgiveness if you find yourself accusing others of something and it turns out not to be the case. The same may be happening in reverse. Others may be wrongly accusing you of something.
Try to keep your calm in this type of situation and help the accuser understand their wrongful accusations (with evidence if possible). Humbly accept their apology for their wrong doing if and when they apologize and do not hold any grudges.
Ifa advises to perform a special ceremony called ipese to help remediate issues with iya misaronga. An experienced Babalawo will be able to perform this ceremony.
Irete meji talks about individuals, people or communities disrespecting ifa, irunmole, or orisa. It is of most importance to always appreciate the good provided by Ifa and the Orisa’s. Not showing respect and appreciation can induce waves of undesirable outcomes throughout the communities.
Irete meji odu ifa talks about various ceremonies and offerings to remediate a situation in which irunmole and orisa have been offended due to disrespectful actions by those in the community.
Ifa also warns those that represent others to be honest and sincere in the work that you perform. This may be closely referring to your career. It can also be referring to those that are Babalawos representing their clients. In either case, be honest and have integrity in all that you do.
Ifa is always watching.
Aboru Aboye Abosise
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