In this article we will go over Ifa religion beliefs and the foundational concepts that support the Yoruba religion. This is an introductory article that will summarize these concepts to give the reader a high-level idea about these Ifa traditions. You can find further detailed information about the concepts summarized in this article by following the links provided.
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Ifa Spirituality or Ifa Religion
Most westerners that believe in Ifa practice consider it to be a religion. While many others consider it to be an Ifa spiritual system. The Yoruba people consider Ifa to be a way of life that is integrated into every part of the human life.
Ifa is a way of life…
Yoruba people believe Ifa is part of the body, the mind and the soul. They also believe Ifa is part of everything that surrounds us, including all elements of Earth and the universe.
Ifa can be integrated into the social community, which places a sense of responsibility and accountability on each person within the community to help each other. This nurtures respect and positivity for each other. Ifa can also provide the understanding of our responsibility of taking care of the Earth that we live in so that in turn Earth takes care of us.
Youruba people believe Ifa cannot be separated from other aspects of one’s life similarly to how other traditional religions are practiced.
In the lives of Yoruba people and others who have the same view, Ifa is a holistic mindset and approach to making life better for yourself and for those around you. The intent is to make life better for all by maintaining a positive balance and remaining in alignment with your Ori.
Ori refers to your head and the alignment of it to your spiritual intuition and your destiny
An unbalanced situation in life can mean a physical sickness in the human body and it can also mean a break down in social aspects of life.
There are many reasons why things in life can become unbalanced. This may be due to negative experiences that can lead you to ask yourself “why is this happening”. The goal of Ifa practice is to help restore and maintain positive balance across all aspects of life.
Ifa Tradition and Ifa Beliefs
Ifa tradition and Ifa beliefs include the concept of destiny and that all people have a destiny in life from the moment they are born. Practitioners of Ifa believe we all choose our own destiny before being born into the physical realm, Earth as we know it. We don’t remember our chosen destiny due to all the experiences we go through while growing up. This personal roadmap we are born with will tend to get blurred along the way.
Do you know your destiny?
Have you ever had moments in your life that have caught you off guard because it felt as if you’ve been in that moment before. The sensation of living that exact moment of being somewhere or doing that exact same thing in the past. However, you couldn’t explain it because you know you have never been there or done that before.
More than likely you have been experiencing positive things near and around those familiar moments. Those may very well be signs that you’re on track towards your destiny.
We go through a long trial and error process in life to reach that chosen destiny. Some must work harder at it than others. But that is simply because of the lack of knowledge in relation to their destiny.

Ifa can help you get back on the right track
Ifa can act as a roadmap that is full of wisdom and direction that can help people reach their destiny.
Ifa is designed to connect with the universal energies that provide the information necessary to maintain a positive balance while on the long journey towards destiny. All while building good self-character and ultimately accomplishing an abundantly fulfilling life.
Practitioners use the process of Ifa divination to periodically check in on their lives and their current route. Primarily to determine if their Ori is aligned with their destiny and if their life is well balanced and on track to reach their destiny.

Ifa is like a compass that helps guide us towards our destiny
Fundamentals of the Yoruba religion
The major foundational concepts that make up Ifa religion beliefs are described at a high level in this section.
Olodumare, Olorun, and Olofi
Olodumare, Olorun and Olofi or Olofin are collectively known as the three manifestations of the supreme god or supreme being in the Yoruba pantheon. They are considered a trinity of spiritual beings similar to the Holy Trinity of Catholicism.
This entity is the source of all ase or ashe, the power to make things happen and produce change.
Olodumare is known as the creator of the universe, heaven and earth. The creator of all-natural forces, and creator of life and death.
Olorun is known as the ruler of the heavens and Earth.
Olofi or Olofin is the conduit between heaven and Earth.
This collective entity also created the Orishas which in turn help with the tasks involving mankind’s affairs.
Orunmila also known as Orunla or Orula is the grand priest of Ifa. The Yoruba people consider Orunmilla as the prophet of Ifa, the Orisha of wisdom and knowledge. Orunla was involved during the creation of the universe and is also known to be witness during the election of each of our destinies. Orula was sent by Olodumare to earth once it was created. He brought Ifa, the wisdom of Olodumare, back to Earth with him.
Orisha also known as Orisa, Oricha or Orixa is a natural force of the universe and of this world. Orisha’s also helped during the creation phase of the universe and Earth. They are now part of the natural elements that surround us. The Orishas are also seen as deities or gods of the elements. They serve as intermediaries between humans and Olodumare.
There are many Orishas in the universe and in this world. A few of the most popular ones are Orunla, Eshu, Ogun, Ochosi, Osun, Obatala, Sango, Oya, Ochun, and Yemonja. Each Orisha is associated with a natural element such as the river, the ocean, thunder and wind. They are also associated with a specific functions such as peace, love, and energy.
We are always in constant contact with these elements.
Learn more about the Orishas here
Eggun our Ancestors
Eggun or Egungun refers to the spirits of ancestors in our family lineage. Although Eggun may also be referred to the spirits of other beings that have passed away not necessarily in our blood line.
Ancestors are highly recognized in Ifa. It is important to remember they have lived a full life before us and may have had knowledge and wisdom we have yet to obtain.
Our ancestors may have brought progress to us in one way or another. Because of their progress we may be standing on their shoulders, benefiting from what they have accomplished. We may be benefiting in our own lives due to their contributions and therefore they should always be acknowledged.
Our ancestors have the ability to continue influencing our lives after they have departed. They are continually propitiated out of love and respect. They may also be consulted when advice and guidance is necessary through rough times.
Ifa Divination
Ifa divination is one of the most important parts of Ifa practice. It is with this process that practitioners can tap into the information necessary that will guide people in life. It helps redirect a person’s thought process and realign their Ori with their destiny. The key to solving most issues that may be causing misalignment in our lives is within us.
Ifa divination is performed by a trained Ifa priest known as a Babalawo (man) or Iyanifa (woman). The literal translation means father and mother of the secrets respectively. The diviner communicates with Orunmila using sacred palm nuts known as ikin Ifa and an Ifa divination tray known as opon Ifa. These Ifa divination tools are used to mark a sign known as odu or odun.
There are other Ifa divination tools used for the divination process. Learn more about Ifa divination tools here.
The odu sign reveals the information that is interpreted by the Ifa priest and communicated to the person seeking advice and guidance. The information contained within each odu Ifa is what provides the guidance and wisdom for us all.
The Ifa divination system process is explained in more detail here.
Odu Ifa
What is Odu Ifa?
Ifa provides its wisdom and messages to mankind through an oral corpus known as Odu Ifa. There isn’t one source or book that contains all the information of all Odu Ifa. The sacred information and wisdom of odu Ifa are passed down generation to generation, Ifa priest to Ifa priest.
Odu Ifa are like chapters of a sacred book that contain the knowledge and wisdom that helps realign our Ori with our destiny. It contains advice to humanity on how to live a positive life. It is through the knowledge of this information that helps guide us on our journey. It is the information we seek, the remedies prescribed that help us through obstacles we encounter in life.
There are 16 principle odu also known as the 16 major odu ifa or oju odu. A combination of these 16 principle odu (16 x 16) results in the oral corpus known as the 256 odu Ifa. These 256 odu form the basis from which the Ifa divination system reveals knowledge, wisdom and positive advice to us.
Through the process of ifa divination, a Babalawo or Iyanifa interprets the odu marked for the person seeking advice and guidance. Through proper interpretation of the 256 odu Ifa, a Babalawo or Iyanifa can see a reference to all possible situations that can occur in life.
Negative consequences due to certain circumstances can be predicted and avoided. But most important of all the correct message can be delivered to the person seeking advice and guidance that will trigger the reactions necessary to realign their Ori and get their life back on track towards their destiny.
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