In this article we touch on what is divination in general and then take a more in depth look at the Ifa divination system, a system used to achieve mental, physical, and spiritual health and wealth. We talk about how the system is used to obtain the information from the 256 odu Ifa necessary to align the Ori (re-align yourself with your destiny). We also talk about some of the tools used by the Babalawo and Iyanifa in conjunction with the divination process.
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What is divination?
The word divination derived from the Latin word divinaire which means to foresee, to be inspired by god. The Ifa divination system is one among many known to man.
The process of divination has been used in various methods throughout the history of mankind dating as far back as the ancient Greece and Roman periods. Throughout time, different cultures have devised various methods of divination according to their culture and religious following.
You will find the various methods of divination have one goal in common across all cultures and religions.
This goal of divination is to seek guidance from a supreme being.
Divination is a process used to seek and obtain information in terms of guidance from a higher being. This information helps an individual or community seeking guidance from their gods. The process of divination varies among the various methods of divination in existence.
Divination should not be confused with fortune telling. The various methods of divination are typically associated with a culture, religion or spiritual beliefs and would involve communication with a supreme being.
Types of divination
There have been many methods of divination used throughout time and by different cultures and religions across the world. Some are or have been considered easy divination methods while others more complex.
The simpler methods of divination typically do not involve a high level of expertise and do not require communication with a supreme being. While the more complex methods of divination involve a highly trained skillset and years of experience and practice.
These more complex divination methods are also very accurate in the messages delivered. They involve communication with a supreme being. In other words, the ability to communicate both ways, supreme being to diviner and diviner to supreme being.
What is Ifa divination?
Ifa divination is the process of divination associated with Ifa, an ancient indigenous religion and spiritual tradition conceptualized by the Yoruba people many centuries ago. It is a complex system dependent on an oral corpus known as odu Ifa. The wisdom and secrets that provide guidance and answers to all mankind. You can read more about the oral corpus odu Ifa here.
A high-level explanation of how the information is retrieved and interpreted from the odu Ifa during divination is explained further down in the following sections.
Ifa religion beliefs include the concept of destiny and that all people choose their destiny before being born. In other words, we choose how we want to live. It may be difficult for some to grasp this concept because some may not be happy with their lives. They may feel like they have been “dealt a bad hand in life”. These individuals have typically been influenced by negative scenarios and have developed a negative mental approach to their life. All of which can be changed from within.

You must believe we all have full control of our lives, control over our minds and the power to make positive changes
You are not alone when it comes to not exactly remembering what destiny we chose before birth. We all forget our chosen destinies while growing older and living our daily lives. This is primarily due to all the influences we are exposed to outside of ourselves. Things we have no control over. Typically, the bad influences are responsible for pulling us away from our destined paths.
However, rest assured we do retain a map of our chosen destiny within ourselves, our Ori Yoruba, our mind. Therefore, it is very important that we always look within ourselves and seek ways to improve where necessary. Not only for ourselves but for those around us.
Ori refers to a person’s spiritual intuition and its alignment with their destiny
By way of an Ifa reading, the Ifa divination system provides information that guides us and gives us the ability to look within to realign ourselves with our Ori, our destiny. Ifa is the compass that helps us find ourselves and get back on the right track towards what we were meant to be and do on this earth.
What is Ifa divination used for?
Ifa divination can be used by all people from all cultures seeking answers and guidance in their life. You do not have to be an Ifa practitioner to consult with Ifa.
The Ifa divination process helps to provide advice to those that find themselves in a particular situation for which they do not know how to proceed. People typically consult Ifa through the divination process when there is uncertainty looming.

Ifa helps us get back on track towards our destiny.
The Ifa divination system is relied upon by Ifa practitioners when individuals or even whole communities reach a cross road for which important decisions must be made. The process aids in providing root cause analysis in any situation resulting in better informed decisions being made.
Through an Ifa reading, the Ifa divination system gives us the ability to communicate and consult with the universal powers of Ifa or Orunla, the deity of wisdom that was present at the time each person’s destiny was chosen. The two-way communication channel established between the Babalawo and Orula allows for a question and answer session.
The process of ifa divination reveals information from the oral literature odu Ifa that aligns with the current situation of the individual seeking advice and guidance. This information can help to make important decisions and changes in the individual’s life or help make important decisions for whole communities.
How does ifa divination work?
Ifa divination is the most complex and the most accurate divination known by many for its reliability. It is a system based on 0’s and 1’s that align to a set of signs known as the literary corpus odu Ifa.
The symbols in each odu sign is also represented in sets of single vertical lines and double vertical lines. The image below displays a set of single vertical lines or can also be interpreted as a set of 1’s.

Ejiogbe odu marked in iyerosun powder on opon ifa
The literary corpus odu Ifa consists of 16 major odu Ifa and 240 minor odu Ifa. A combination of the 16 principle odu (16 x 16) results in a total of 256 odu Ifa containing the wisdom and secrets of Ifa that help guide humanity towards their destiny.
The divination is performed by a diviner known in Ifa as a trained Babalawo (father of secrets) or Iyanifa (mother of secrets). You can read more about Babalawo here, and more about Iyanifa here.
Steps involved in Ifa divination
The steps involved to start the process may vary slightly between Ifa priests. In the following section you will find a high level summary of the steps involved to start the Ifa divination process.
First, the Babalawo or Iyanifa starts chanting an Ifa prayer to acknowledge all (but not limited to) the following entities, (also not necessarily in this order):
- Olodumare, Olofin, and Olorun
- Ifa and Orunmila (prophet of Ifa)
- Ori Ifa
- Eggun our ancestors
- Orisa that represent the natural energies of the universe and of this earth
The main purpose of this initial step is to acknowledge all the entities and natural energies while obtaining the attention and creating a communication channel with Ifa.
The second part involves the Babalawo or Iyanifa communicating with Ifa or orunla about the purpose for the consultation. This can be about a specific issue a person is seeking guidance for, or it can be about a general topic.
An Ifa reading can be about one person seeking advice on behalf of himself or herself or it can be about a whole community. Groups of people in a community may be seeking advice to make important decisions that affect groups of a society. During this part of the communication of an Ifa reading session, the Awo will mark one of the odu signs.
In order to have a successful ifa divination session, effort from both the Babalawo or Iyanifa and the person seeking guidance are necessary. Before starting an Ifa reading, know the questions for which you seek answers for. These questions should be clear in your mind and asked during the Ifa reading.
Entities involved in Ifa divination
During an Ifa reading, Orula and the Babalawo or Iyanifa are not the only ones involved in the communication. Esu, a very powerful Orisa that delivers the messages back and forth between the diviner and Ifa is also part of the communication.
The Ori of the person seeking advice and guidance contains the roadmap to its destiny and is also part of the communication session. The key information contained within the odu ifa that guides us is revealed when the Babalawo or Iyanifa together with Orunla, Esu and the persons Ori work together via the Ifa divination system.
At this point the Babalawo or Iyanifa recites the verses of the odu Ifa sign that was marked. The Ifa priest interprets the odu sign to understand the current path of the person or community seeking advice and guidance. The Ifa priest will then discuss the information being revealed through the odu sign with the person or community seeking advice and guidance.
It will be very beneficial for the person seeking advice and guidance to have the ability to apply the information being revealed to their specific situation. The better they can align the advice with themselves the more enlightening the consultation will be.
If the person or community seeking advice is in relation to a specific problem, a determination of root cause will be made through Ifa divination. The person may or may not need Ifa prescriptions once root cause is determined.
Prescriptions may include herbal medicines, ebo sacrifice or other remedies that are recommended through the interpretation of the odu sign.
Learn more about ebo sacrifice here
In conclusion, when the advice and guidance is delivered by the diviner, it will ultimately be up to the individual seeking advice and guidance to receive it and take action as necessary. It is our choice to change something about our lives for the better.
The choice and ability to change something about our lives is always within us all – Ase!
Ifa Divination Tools
There are various divination tools leveraged by the Awo during the Ifa divination process. The Awo will utilize them for different purposes.
An example of one tool used is the Ifa divination tray also known as opon Ifa. A combination of the opon divination tray along with ikin Ifa also known as sacred palm nuts, and iyerosun powder is used by an Awo for divination. These tools help to mark the signs of odu once it has been communicated to the Awo by Ifa.

Opon ifa with iyerosun powder and iroke ready for divination
Another tool used by an Awo is the opele ifa or opele chain. This tool consists of a chain with 8 half opele nuts integrated into the chain. These 8 half opele nuts are used to mark any combination of the 16 major odu. The chain is thrown twice which results in 256 possible combinations.

The 256 odu Ifa contain the wisdom and secrets of Ifa used as guidance for all humanity.
A description of Ifa divination tools and how they are used during Ifa divination can be found here.
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