This article provides information about the Odu Ifa known as Ejiogbe, which may also be referred to as Baba Ejiogbe, Eji Ogbe, Ogbe Meji and Eyiogbe. Baba ejiogbe meji odu is the first one of the 16 Meji or 16 principle Odu. The information provided here applies to the person to which this odu was revealed during Ifa divination.
This odu talks about blessings of many types of success and positive transitions in life. It talks about influential leadership in high places. It can be government related, political etc. This odu also talks about the importance of good behavior and always maintaining composure in all situations. Ifa advices that we always appreciate what we already have and show gratitude for it.
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Ejiogbe is the first odu of the 256 odu. It encompasses influential aspects from the rest of the 256 odu. It is considered to be the head of the Ifa corpus.
We have provided high level interpretations of the odu in an effort to convey its message more efficiently. Each of the 256 odu Ifa contain many odu ifa (verses). We plan to keep adding odu ifa interpretations continuously to help others understand the teachings of Ifa.
Baba Ejiogbe odu ensures a comfortable life
This odu talks about a comfortable life for the person to which this odu applies. The most important things will be available to this person in abundance. It is important to show gratitude and appreciate these things. Many positive transitions will begin to happen in your life if they haven’t already.
Ejiogbe teaches the importance of good behavior in life
Baba ejiogbe meji odu recommends and implies the importance of maintaining good behavior in life. Ifa warns not to fall victim to negative behavior and temptation. This will not help us progress in life. Ifa advices to incorporate good behavior as part of our personality and sustain this good behavior in everyday life. Doing so will ensure we do not lose all for which we have worked hard for.
Ejiogbe teaches us to avoid the emotion of revenge
This odu Ifa talks about blessings of victory over your enemies. You are advised to offer sacrifice to ensure none of your enemies obtain any power over you that can potentially harm you or block your path in any way.
If you are an Ifa priest, you have the additional responsibility of maintaining proper composure, good behavior and the responsibility of abiding by the regulations set by Ifa. This will help to put you in a position with less enemies.
Ifa priests are the conduit between Olodumare (God), Esu and humans. A Babalawo has the power to help humanity progress in a positive direction. They must always behave in a positive manner with their family, their community and within Ifa. It is a responsibility for the Babalawo to respect the abilities they have and always utilize it for good.
Ifa provides justice for all. Anyone with bad intentions against a person that strives to maintain proper composure and good behavior in life will be convicted by Ifa for their unjustified actions.
Ejiogbe teaches us we can live long enjoyable lives despite of any conflicts we encounter in life
Baba ejiogbe meji odu talks about blessings of victory over all negative situations and or negative people that may be against you. Continue to make the sacrifices necessary and trust in Ifa. Ifa says you will live a long and enjoyable life.
Ejiogbe teaches us the benefits of a strong marital relationship
This odu talks about blessings for you and your spouse. Ifa advices both should offer sacrifice within the home to maintain a positive environment and a strong prosperous relationship.
Ejiogbe teaches us sacrifice brings success
This odu ifa talks about the importance of offering sacrifice in order to have great success in life.
Ejiogbe teaches us to have patience while on the road to success
This odu ifa talks about blessings of victory in your destiny. Being patient will help you to be successful in your life. Ifa advises you to continue offering sacrifice to achieve your success.
Ejiogbe teaches us dignity of a good leader
This ese ifa talks about becoming and being a good leader that is able to successfully accomplish good things for oneself and for those that follow you. Ifa advices to continue offering sacrifice to ensure victory over all obstacles that present themselves in your way.
Eji Ogbe teaches good fortune comes to those who sacrifice
Baba ejiogbe meji odu states there are blessings of good fortune for the person for which this odu applies. The person should sacrifice and follow this advice to ensure the blessings of good fortune are always received.
Ejiogbe teaches us to be aware of and appreciate what we already have
This ese Ifa talks about blessings of wealth directly associated with the workplace or the work we are currently involved in. Ifa advises proper sacrifice should be offered. Ifa mentions you should not have any fear if you currently hold a lead or management position. Place trust in Ifa because it will be by our side.

Ejiogbe teaches us to appreciate Esu
This ese Ifa talks about good fortune and blessings. Ifa advises us to offer sacrifice, propitiate Esu properly and pray to Esu for all that we want to accomplish. Without Esu we would not be able to accomplish most things. It is his ability to communicate with Olodumare and all Orisa’a that provides the channel to communicate our petitions and show our appreciation to the Universe for all that we have in our lives.
Ejiogbe teaches us to appreciate what mothers do
This ese Ifa talks about blessings in route to you. Offer sacrifice to clear the path and ensure the arrival of your success. Ifa mentions appreciation and acknowledgement should be given to mothers. Offerings should also be given to the spirit of mothers that have passed away. The traditions that mothers pass down to us should be well respected and appreciated.
Ejiogbe advices us to take care of our employment opportunity
Baba ejiogbe meji odu talks about blessings of wealth for you. Ifa advises you to maintain and pay attention to the work you are currently doing now. It is a good source of income for you. Ifa advises you to look after your employment and do the best you can do. Behave appropriately with good conduct. Treat all your work colleagues equally and with respect. Avoid any arguments and avoid making enemies. Ifa advises you to properly propitiate your Ori.
Ejiogbe teaches us luck comes in different forms
This ese ifa talks about many blessings of riches in your future by continuing to do the things in which you are most knowledgeable in. Continue to develop yourself in the areas you are most familiar and comfortable with. You will have good luck in your life brought to you by individuals that are close to you or hang around with you. Ifa advises you to continue offering sacrifice to ensure positive results in your life.
Ejiogbe teaches us not to disclose our plans
This ese ifa talks about blessings of wealth in your destiny. Ifa advices not to carelessly reveal your plans or secrets to others that may interfere with your plans. This is to ensure your plans are carried out successfully.
Ejiogbe teaches us to appease our Ori
This ese ifa talks about blessings of a new position or title coming soon. Ifa advises you to appease your Ori to bring clarity and attract good luck to your life. Initiating into Ifa to become a Babalawo or Iyanifa may be part of your destiny.
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